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- Pinto, Paula Campos, Pinto, Teresa Janela, Neca, Patrícia, Maltez, Bárbara (2024). Doing inclusive research guided by human rights principles with persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities: Potential and challenges. SAGE Research Methods Cases: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research.
- Pinto, Paula Campos, Fontes, Fernando, Neca, Patrícia, Bento, Sofia, Alves, Joana (2023). Rights for all? Living conditions and (de)citizenship of adults with intellectual and complex disabilities in Portugal. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability, 1-9. DOI:10.1111/jar.13128
- Borges, Neuza Cardoso, Pinto, Paula Campos (2021). (Re)Inserção profissional de Pessoas com Deficiência: Perceções das Medidas Contrato Emprego Inserção e Contrato Emprego Inserção+ por Beneficiários e Promotores. Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais / Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 8, N.o 2, 2021, pp. 139-155.
- Neca, Patrícia; Borges, Maria Leonor; Pinto, Paula Campos (2020). Teachers with disabilities: A literature review. International Journal of Inclusive Education. DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2020.1776779.
- Por uma Sociologia Pública: repensar a deficiência na ótica dos direitos humanos (2018). Análise Social, vol. LIII (229), 1010-1035.
- How and where? The violence against woman with disabilities in Portugal (2018). Inter-Ação, Goiânia, 43 (2): 484-514.
- Shifting sands? Assessing the social inclusion of persons with disabilities in Algiers (2018), with Teresa Janela Pinto and Albino Cunha, International Journal of Disability and Human Development, 17(2): 211-220.
- From Rights to Reality: Of Crisis, Coalitions, and the Challenge of Implementing Disability Rights in Portugal (2018). Social Policy and Society, 17(1): 133-150.
- Sou diferente e sou igual: Discriminação, violência e estratégias de sobrevivência de mulheres com deficiência (2017), with Carlos Veiga and Maria Quinteiro, Journal of Studies on Citizenship and Sustainability, 2: 97-112.
- Representações mediáticas da deficiência: um estudo longitudinal na imprensa (2017), with Maria João Cunha. Sociologia: Problemas e Práticas, 85: 131-147.
- Giving voice to persons with intelectual disabilities about family quality of life (2017), with Raquel Alveirinho Correia and Maria João Seabra Santos. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities , vol. 14(1): 59-67.
- Out of the shadows: Violence against girls and women with disabilities in Portugal (2016). Alter, European Journal of Disability Research, 10 (2): 137-147.
- Modelos de abordagem à deficiência: que implicações para as políticas públicas? (2015). Revista de Ciências e Políticas Públicas, vol.1 (1): 173-201.
- The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: European and Scandinavian Perspectives. Book Review (2011). Journal of Human Development, Disability and Social Change, 19(2): 141-142.
- Droits humains et personnes ayant des incapacités : Analyse comparative de l’utilisation des services de soutien en contexte ontarien et québécois (2011), with N. Boucher, D. Fiset, M. Dinca-Panaitescu, S. Carpenter, I. Killoran, S. Estey, and M. Rioux. Journal of Human Development, Disability and Social Change, 19(2): 23-41.
- Between the lines: A critical discourse analysis of disability policy in Portugal (2011). Disability Studies Quarterly, 31(3).
- “The Maternal is Political” Mothering with a Disability as Feminist Empowered Mothering (2011). Revista EX AEQUO – Dossier Género e Intimidades, 23: 67-81.
- At the crossroads: Human rights and the politics of disability and gender in Portugal (2011). Alter, European Journal of Disability Research, vol. 5(2): 116-128.
- Family, disability and social policy in Portugal: Where are we at, and where do we want to go? (2011). Sociologia On Line, nº2: 39-60.
- A time to the universal right to education: Back to basics (2010), with Marcia Rioux. British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol. 31 (5): 621-642.
- Are we on the same page? The challenges and charms of a journey towards interdisciplinarity (2010), with Emily Bruusgaard, Jennifer Swindle, and S. Yoshino. Graduate Journal of Social Sciences, vol. 7 (1): 39-58.
- Re-constituting Care: A Rights-Based Approach to Disability, Motherhood and the Dilemmas of Care (2008). Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering, 10 (Spring/Summer): 119-130.