
  • Borges, Neuza Cardoso, Pinto, Paula Campos (2021). (Re)Inserção profissional de Pessoas com Deficiência: Perceções das Medidas Contrato Emprego Inserção e Contrato Emprego Inserção+ por Beneficiários e Promotores. Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais / Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 8, N.o 2, 2021, pp. 139-155.
  • Neca, Patrícia; Borges, Maria Leonor; Pinto, Paula Campos (2020). Teachers with disabilities: A literature review. International Journal of Inclusive Education. DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2020.1776779.
  • Por uma Sociologia Pública: repensar a deficiência na ótica dos direitos humanos (2018). Análise Social, vol. LIII (229), 1010-1035.
  • How and where? The violence against woman with disabilities in Portugal (2018). Inter-Ação, Goiânia, 43 (2): 484-514.
  • Shifting sands? Assessing the social inclusion of persons with disabilities in Algiers (2018), com Teresa Janela Pinto e Albino Cunha, International Journal of Disability and Human Development, 17(2): 211-220.
  • From Rights to Reality: Of Crisis, Coalitions, and the Challenge of Implementing Disability Rights in Portugal (2018). Social Policy and Society, 17(1): 133-150.
  • Sou diferente e sou igual: Discriminação, violência e estratégias de sobrevivência de mulheres com deficiência (2017), com Carlos Veiga e Maria Quinteiro, Journal of Studies on Citizenship and Sustainability, 2: 97-112.
  • Representações mediáticas da deficiência: um estudo longitudinal na imprensa (2017),  com Maria João Cunha. Sociologia: Problemas e Práticas, 85: 131-147.
  • Giving voice to persons with intelectual disabilities about family quality of life (2017), com Raquel Alveirinho Correia e Maria João Seabra Santos. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities , vol. 14(1): 59-67.
  • Out of the shadows: Violence against girls and women with disabilities in Portugal (2016). Alter, European Journal of Disability Research, 10 (2): 137-147.
  • Modelos de abordagem à deficiência: que implicações para as políticas públicas? (2015). Revista de Ciências e Políticas Públicas, vol.1 (1): 173-201.
  • The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: European and Scandinavian Perspectives. Book Review (2011). Journal of Human Development, Disability and Social Change, 19(2): 141-142.
  • Droits humains et personnes ayant des incapacités : Analyse comparative de l’utilisation des services de soutien en contexte ontarien et québécois (2011), com N. Boucher, D. Fiset, M. Dinca-Panaitescu, S. Carpenter, I. Killoran, S. Estey, e M. Rioux. Journal of Human Development, Disability and Social Change, 19(2): 23-41.
  • Between the lines: A critical discourse analysis of disability policy in Portugal (2011). Disability Studies Quarterly, 31(3).
  • “The Maternal is Political” Mothering with a Disability as Feminist Empowered Mothering (2011). Revista EX AEQUO – Dossier Género e Intimidades, 23: 67-81.
  • At the crossroads: Human rights and the politics of disability and gender in Portugal (2011). Alter, European Journal of Disability Research, vol. 5(2): 116-128.
  • Family, disability and social policy in Portugal: Where are we at, and where do we want to go? (2011). Sociologia On Line, nº2: 39-60.
  • A time to the universal right to education: Back to basics (2010), com Marcia Rioux. British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol. 31 (5): 621-642.
  • Are we on the same page? The challenges and charms of a journey towards interdisciplinarity (2010). Com Emily Bruusgaard, Jennifer Swindle, e S. Yoshino. Graduate Journal of Social Sciences, vol. 7 (1): 39-58.
  • Re-constituting Care: A Rights-Based Approach to Disability, Motherhood and the Dilemmas of Care (2008). Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering, 10 (Spring/Summer): 119-130.